Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about the changes my career needs. Well the first change I would make within the program would be to reduce the years of study of the career, since the duration is long compared to the years of study that other countries have. This reduction would be from 5 years to 4 years, so that in the next year the student can take a Master's and be able to graduate before.
Another change that I would make to the program of the public administration career would be to add more language courses, that is, to leave four English and the possibility of choosing another language as a continuation
also within the program I would add more professional practice, so that you can have a good reference in what is going to work in the future
Regarding the infrastructure, I think I would change most things. First I think it is very necessary to change to a new building that has much more space and that also has more green areas. We should also have a library with study rooms in which the noise is isolated, so that you can study quietly. In addition, we should have a greater selection of books.
Regarding the technology that exists within the Escuela de Gobierno y Gestión , I would change the computers that there are and software for a lot more modern and also I would install more laser printers, so that the printing is much faster and of quality
Claudia would be great if the career lasted only 4 years!!! I hope it happens
ResponderEliminarthat's a good point on more options about other languages and adding more professional practice. I think those are two things that will make us good professionals!!!
ResponderEliminarwoow! I also think that they should be less years of career