My future job

Hi everyone today I´m going to talk about my future job . Well I entered to study public administration because I want to generate a change in the country , so my future job would be to generate policies or advice within a specific ministry I would like the Ministerio de Salud , because I feel that we should all have access to a free and quality medical service, something that should be fundamental.

I think my ideal job would be to create public policies around health, because that would be contributing to generate a change in an area that is very important to me. The truth would not matter if the work was outside or inside an office in order to help,but if I had to choose would be both
 I would also like to travel a lot to be able to know the different realities that exist in Chile around the medical services, quality of care, the instruments they have, the budget of the different hospitals, etc.
The truth is that in my future job I would be happy if I feel that I am generating a change in any area that the country and the state needs to improve.


  1. friend i like you job, i something that should be fundamental.

  2. It's such a noble objective that you want to generate a change!! But, it's not as easy as it looks :( Stay positive and with the willingness to change in a possible way our country!!

  3. I am sure that your job will be useful for the society

  4. I also believe that we should all have access to a free and quality medical service!
    You will do it!

  5. I believe that health is very important for a society and I hope that you will be able to contribute in this area


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