A country I'd like to visit

Hi everyone today I´m going to talk about the country that I would like to visit , well the truth is that i would like to visit many countries and  this is something that I would like make come true. If I had to choose now one would be Spain, because I think it would be easy to communicate through the language, it is a place that has a very nice old infrastructure  and with a lot of history.

I know that Spain is the third country in the world with more monuments declared patrimony of humanity and that there have been several authors who have contributed to art in the world such as Goya, Picasso , Dali and others.
What I would  like to do the most in that country would be to go through all the historic buildings and take many photos. I would like to study and live there for a period of time, because I think it would be very useful to complement my study and learn much more about it is history.


  1. Claudia, Spain its tradition and its people are unique, I hope to visit Spain some day too :)


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